Ladies Section

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Ladies at Flempton

Flempton has a friendly and inclusive ladies and welcome any new ladies joining the club.

Tuesday is Ladies day during which we normally have a reserved tee time
from 9.30am to 11 am (with an alternative competition day at weekends).
Each Tuesday is brimming with activity, featuring qualifying competitions,
pairs or team events, social roll ups, and Trophy days. Additionally, our
calendar includes various social events throughout the year, showcasing
our vibrant community on and off the golf course. Notable occasions
include the Ladies Dinner, Christmas Social, various mixed events to which
all members are warmly invited.

To assist in planning your golfing calendar, a diary sheet highlighting ladies
competitions will be provided annually as well as the diary on the website
showing all activities on the course.

Our Flempton play golf WhatsApp group ensures that all members can easily secure a game.
For those with an existing handicap, our Club Manager or the Ladies Handicap Secretary
can seamlessly integrate you into our club computer system.
If you are yet to acquire a handicap, rest assured that we are
committed to guiding you through the process and helping you obtain one.

Stay informed through notice boards located in the ladies changing room,
where you will find general information and updates from the Ladies Captain
as well as sign up sheets for friendly matches and social events. We have
a convenient online booking system for our Medals and Stablefords.

Please feel free to contact our Club Manager for more information.